Free North Carolina License Plate Lookup

North Carolina is located in the easternmost section of the US Mainland. The state controls around 53,819 square miles of land. It is the 9th most populous state, having 10.4 million people registered as residents. Currently, about 3.4 million vehicles are recognized by the government registry. For any vehicle in the state, buyers and sellers can run a free North Carolina license plate lookup anytime.

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North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles

North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles

The North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) handles the issuance of DMV documents. This includes driver’s license, driver’s record, vehicle registration, vehicle record, title, license plate and replacements. North Carolina is one of the 19 US states that requires a single license plate for each vehicle. The official serial format for registered North Carolina vehicles is ‘ABC-1234’.

North Carolina License Plates

What can a North Carolina license plate number tell you?

A North Carolina license plate number helps law enforcement resolve crimes, including auto theft, VIN cloning and car sale fraud. It also helps car buyers get a deeper understanding of a vehicle through free North Carolina license plate lookup. As substantial as the data they can get from the tool, sensitive personal information is not available to the public. Some details may require the owner’s written consent to be disclosed.

North Carolina License Plates

North Carolina License Plate Lookup

Input any North Carolina license plate number to run a 100% free vehicle history report

North Carolina License Plate Lookup

Where can I find the license plate number?

A curious buyer of North Carolina cars can first check the license plate attached at the back of the car. Next, if they were in doubt about the presented license plate, they can also review documents associated with the car. The most common of these are vehicle registration, title and insurance papers. Bill of sale, maintenance service records and traffic/police reports are also reliable sources. But nothing beats contacting the North Carolina DMV themselves in confirming the validity of a North Carolina plate number.

North Carolina License Plate Lookup

What do I get out of a North Carolina license plate lookup?

Unlock a comprehensive vehicle report using the vehicle’s license plate number
Vehicle Specifications

what are the model, transmission type, speed, and other basic and performance-related details?

Vehicle Records

what is the registration or title status? are there any records of accident, liens, sales (including sale at salvage auction) 

Market Value

what is the estimated price of similar vehicles in North Carolina and the rest of the country?

Safety Ratings

how did the vehicle perform in crash tests conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)?

Fuel Efficiency

how efficient is the vehicle in terms of distance it can travel per gallon of fuel?

Warranty and Recalls

what is the warranty status as well as time remaining for coverage? are there active recalls and fixes?


What are the sources of license plate search results? operates a database rich in vehicle data. It has been kept up to date by many trusted entities. Foremost among them are government entities like NMVTIS, DMVs, traffic safety authorities, law enforcement agencies, and inspection stations.

It is also supported by private organizations, primarily, auto manufacturers, car dealerships, insurance companies, auction shops, vehicle rental and fleet companies, collision repair shops, salvage or junkyards and many more across the US.


North Carolina License Plate Lookup

To get a comprehensive vehicle history report, you can run a North Carolina License Plate Lookup

North Carolina License Plate FAQs

Answers to the most frequently asked questions on license plate lookup

What is the difference between a North Carolina license plate lookup and a North Carolina VIN check?

A North Carolina license plate lookup gathers associated data through plate numbers. A North Carolina VIN check uses factory serial numbers to achieve just the same. Luckily for car buyers, offers both tools to generate a full vehicle history report.

What are the types of license plates in North Carolina?

There are many types of license plates in North Carolina. Registered buyers can apply for a plate of their choosing if they can satisfy additional requirements. They can order a certain plate design so long as they are qualified. Some notable options are Airborne, Amateur Radio Operators, Breast Cancer Awareness, Carolina Panthers, Chose Life, Civic Club, Collegiate, First in Forestry, Historical/State Attraction, Kick Cancer for Kids, Native American, Nurses, Olympic Games, Personalized Disability and Wildlife.

Can I get a personalized license plate in North Carolina?

North Carolina-registered car owners can order a personalized license plate for a price. They can begin the process by submitting a completed application form, along with money order or check. It may take up to eight weeks to receive their ordered plates. The agency reserves the right to deny combinations that were already taken. The same goes for combinations that are objectionable.

How can I apply for a North Carolina license plate?

Vehicle registration ensures eligibility for North Carolina license plates. To secure vehicle registration, applicants must pass all requirements of the state. First, they need to provide sufficient vehicle documentation. Second, the applicant must provide personal identification.

Important Links for North Carolina Car Owners and Drivers

Other related resources you can access for free

North Carolina VIN Check

To get a comprehensive vehicle history report, you can also run a North Carolina VIN Check