Free Indiana License Plate Lookup

Indiana is home to 6.78 million people and 2.18 million registered vehicles. In other words, about 1 out of 3 persons are vehicle owners. The state controls only a tiny portion of the country — about 36 thousand square miles. Still, that’s a lot of car owners in one place.

For that many prospective vehicles, doing a license plate search and researching the vehicle history is a must! All it takes is a few clicks to access the specific details you need to know.

Home / License Plate Lookup / Indiana License Plate Lookup
Indiana BMV

Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles

The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) is the agency tasked with the regulation and distribution of vehicle registration, vehicle title, license plates and other associated documents. Unlike many US states, Indiana only requires a single license plate for each motor vehicle. Indiana’s serial formats for their license plates are 123A, 123AB and 123ABC. As with all kinds of license plates, the numbers help in mitigating crimes that involve Indiana vehicles.

Indiana License Plates

What can an Indiana license plate number tell you?

A license plate is a serial number assigned by the state to a vehicle unit. While the amount of details that can be decoded from the number is significant, not all details will be publicized. Confidential details that are associated with current and previous owners may not be revealed due to privacy concerns.

Indiana License Plates

Indiana License Plate Lookup

Despite its limitations, most red flags can be identified right off the bat if you review a vehicle history report by a free Indiana license plate lookup.

Indiana License Plate Lookup

Where can I find the license plate number?

Aside from the license plates that bear the number, you can also check state-issued vehicle documents to confirm the plate number. These are the vehicle registration, title, and insurance card. Other possible sources include the deed of sale and receipts for auto service, such as maintenance and repair. If you don’t have any access to the aforementioned items, you may contact an Idaho BMV agent for verification.

Indiana License Plate Lookup

What do I get out of an Indiana license plate lookup?

Unlock a comprehensive vehicle report using the vehicle’s license plate number

Vehicle Specifications

basic physical features such as dimensions, engine type, trim, and other information  related to performance

Vehicle Records

title or registration status and record of lien, sale, salvage or flood damage, and other records

Market Value

based on the current price for similar vehicles in Indiana and across the US

Safety Ratings

safety ratings from crash performance tests by Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)

Fuel Efficiency

mileage for every gallon of fuel consumed

Warranty and Recalls

status and coverage of warranty, safety issues, latest recalls, and fixes


What are the sources of license plate search results? operates a data-rich database to serve consumers and other auto market participants. It acquires its vehicle information from many state agencies, most notably the NMVTIS and DMVs as well as police and traffic offices in Indiana and beyond.

Aside from them, there are also organizations that are affiliated with, like car manufacturers, car dealerships, insurance companies, auction shops, vehicle rental and fleet companies, collision repair shops, and salvage or junk yards.


Indiana License Plate Lookup

To get a comprehensive vehicle history report, you can run an Indiana License Plate Lookup

Indiana License Plate FAQs

Answers to the most frequently asked questions on license plate lookup

What is the difference between an Indiana license plate lookup and an Indiana VIN check?

Both the VIN number and license plate number are important for identifying vital info on an auto. These can serve as digital keys for users to unlock a lot of relevant information about a vehicle. What makes a source of relief for vehicle shoppers is that it can generate full digital car reports in seconds.

What are the types of license plates in Indiana?

The available license plate categories in Indiana are: (1) Standard, (2) College & University, (3) Military, (4) Organization, (5) Personalized (5) and Other. Each plate design has a different set of eligibility and requirements as well as fees. Make sure you check on them before ordering.

Can I get a personalized license plate in Indiana?

There are over 100 + options under the Personalized Plate category. You can pick any of the options. And just like any other specialty license plate, it comes with a unique set of eligibility requirements and fees. It must also be in accordance with the state guidelines on proper plate number designation to be accepted. As always, the proposed combination must not be identical with other Indiana plate numbers.

How can I apply for an Indiana license plate?

Vehicle owners can get their Indiana license plates once they have successfully registered their vehicles. Indiana residents who have recently purchased a car have a 45-day grace period to register their units. For new residents of the state, they will have about 2 months (or 60 days) to register their vehicles after becoming official residents. Be sure to have a valid plate sticker in order to drive with Indiana plates legally.

Important Links for Indiana Car Owners and Drivers

Other related resources you can access for free

Indiana VIN Check

To get a comprehensive vehicle history report, you can also run an Indiana VIN Check