Free Maine License Plate Lookup
Maine, occupying around 35,385 square miles on the northeastern edge of Continental US, has a population of 1.34 million residents. As of the 2019 census, over 373, 000 vehicles are registered in Maine. If you want to buy a car in the state, a Maine free license plate search and lookup can help you detect red flags. Enter a license plate below to search our database and get a completely free vehicle report.

Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles
The Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) is responsible for official government auto transactions. Services it provides include vehicle registration, title, license plate and driver’s license. The government agency is a branch of the Department of the Secretary of State. In Maine, each vehicle must carry two license plates, one on the front and another on the back. The serial format for the state license plate is ‘1234 AB’.

What can a Maine license plate number tell you?
Maine license plates are important for accessing relevant information on a car. Plate numbers can help vehicle owners, sellers, government authorities and other third-party agents ascertain a vehicle’s value and condition. But not all information can be publicized due to the sensitivity and confidentiality of a few details.

Maine License Plate Lookup
Looking for a tool that provides plenty of useful vehicle info? Look no farther than a free Maine license plate lookup.

Where can I find the license plate number?
The first thing that you must always check out is the Maine-issued license plate. Aside from the two plates on the car, you may also find the license plate number on the vehicle documents, such as registration and insurance papers. Or you may also get in touch with the Maine BMV to verify a plate number.

What do I get out of a Maine license plate lookup?
Vehicle Specifications
basic features (e.g. trim, dimensions, engine type) and details related to performance
Vehicle Records
survey of records of lien, theft, sale at salvage action, flood damage, and other issues from multiple vehicle data sources across the US
Market Value
price of similar model and make in Maine and other parts of the country
Safety Ratings
ratings from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) for crash-worthiness, avoidance, and mitigation tests
Fuel Efficiency
mileage based on distance traveled per gallon of fuel
Warranty and Recalls
warranty status, remaining coverage, recalls, and fixes

What are the sources of license plate search results? offers an excellent repository of vehicle data. It acquires data from NMVTIS, state DMVs as well as traffic and police agencies. In addition, several NGOs, such as insurance companies, auto dealerships, repair shops, manufacturers as well as junkyards, offer data for the benefit of car buyers.

Maine License Plate Lookup
To get a comprehensive vehicle history report, you can run a Maine License Plate Lookup
Maine License Plate FAQs
What is the difference between a Maine license plate lookup and a Maine VIN check?
At, either the license plate number or vehicle identification number (VIN) can be used as a search index to run a vehicle history report. The VIN assigned by the manufacturer to the car and the license plate number assigned by the state will yield the same VIN check results.
What are the types of license plates in Maine?
Besides the regular version of Maine license plates, the state’s so-called ‘Plates of Interest’ can be divided into four categories: (1) Specialty & Recognition, (2) Commemorative & Special Emergency Response (plus decals), (3) Veteran, (4) and Disability (plus placards).
Can I get a personalized license plate in Maine?
Maine Vanity Plates can be ordered online, but its availability may vary depending on the day and season. You may want to lookup their Vanity Plate Search to know what plate type is available at the moment. Before you use the service, make sure you have a registered Maine vehicle.
How can I apply for a Maine license plate?
A set of Maine license plates are issued after vehicle registration. You will be notified when your license plates are released. If you don’t want the regular version, you can request an alternative. Just make sure you make an order prior to the release of regular plates.
Important Links for Maine Car Owners and Drivers
Maine VIN Check
To get a comprehensive vehicle history report, you can also run a Maine VIN Check