Free Massachusetts License Plate Lookup
Massachusetts is the 3rd most densely populated state in the US. On average, about 840 people live per square mile of its territory. It has a population of 7 million people and spans 10.5 thousand square miles. Around 2 million vehicles are registered in Massachusetts. This means at least 2 out of 7 Massachusetts residents are vehicle owners. A Massachusetts free license plate lookup can keep you up to speed about your prospective cars. Simply enter the license plate below to search our database and obtain a free license plate history check.

Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles
The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (MRV) is the official agency tasked with the release and distribution of vehicle registration, driver’s license, vehicle title and license plate. In the State of Massachusetts, each vehicle unit must be equipped with two license plates to be eligible for driving. As of now, these serial formats are being followed for Massachusetts plates: ‘1AB 234’, ‘1ABC 23’, ‘12A 345’ and ‘123 A45’.

What can a Massachusetts license plate number tell you?
Massachusetts license plate number serves as a key to access a vehicle information collection acquired from multiple sources. Some personal details will not be available for public viewing to protect owner privacy.

Massachusetts License Plate Lookup
Running a free Massachusetts license plate number will always come in handy wherever you are car shopping.

Where can I find the license plate number?
The most obvious choice when looking up a car’s plate number is the two license plates. One is attached on the front and another on the rear. Should this option not be possible at the moment, you may check vehicle documents like registration, title, insurance and bill of sale. Alternatively, you may communicate with the Massachusetts MRV to confirm plate number legitimacy.

What do I get out of a Massachusetts license plate lookup?
Vehicle Specifications
basic physical features such as dimensions, engine type, and trim as well as other details related to performance
Vehicle Records
status of registration, records of sale, lien, sale at salvage auction, and other issues in Massachusetts and the rest of country
Market Value
based on prices for similar make and model in Massachusetts and the rest of the US
Safety Ratings
safety ratings based on crash tests by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)
Fuel Efficiency
mileage for every gallon fuel consumed
Warranty and Recalls
warranty status, time remaining for the coverage, recalls, and remedies

What are the sources of license plate search results? offers a free-to-access auto database to internet users. The website receives a constant stream of vehicle info from a wide variety of sources, which includes but not limited to DMVs, NMVTIS, law enforcement, rental and fleet companies, repair shops, auction shops, junk shops, manufacturers, insurance companies, dealerships and other organizations across the country.

Massachusetts License Plate Lookup
To get a comprehensive vehicle history report, you can run a Massachusetts License Plate Lookup
Massachusetts License Plate FAQs
What is the difference between a Massachusetts license plate lookup and a Massachusetts VIN check?
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a code used by the manufacturer to identify a vehicle. The same thing can be said of license plate numbers, which can be described as the government equivalent of VIN. At, both can come in handy in shedding light on a car’s past history.
What are the types of license plates in Massachusetts?
There are about 48 special plate designs that can be picked by an interested car owner. They can be chosen as an alternative to the regular plate version. Each plate design has corresponding requirements and fees. The availability and place of issuance of each plate design also vary.
Can I get a personalized license plate in Massachusetts?
Vehicle owners can apply for vanity plates at an RMV Service center near them. Up to a combination of 5 letters and numbers can be customized as part of a plate format. The issuing agency reserves the right to deny any combination it deems objectionable.
How can I apply for a Massachusetts license plate?
To get a pair of Massachusetts license plates, vehicle owners must successfully apply for vehicle registration and title. To successfully apply for the said documents, they must present all the required documents. Once they are done with registration and titling, they are expected to receive the license plates within a few days or weeks.
Important Links for Massachusetts Car Owners and Drivers
Massachusetts VIN Check
To get a comprehensive vehicle history report, you can also run a Massachusetts VIN Check