Free Louisiana License Plate Lookup
Louisiana is located in the southeastern part of the US Mainland. The state occupies more than 52,000 square miles. It has a population of about 4.6 million residents. Currently, around 1.34 million motor vehicles of all kinds are registered in the state. Before buying a used car in Louisian, make sure to exercise due diligence. Once you have the license plate, you can search our database to get a complete license plate search and lookup and obtain a free vehicle report.

Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles
The Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles is responsible for issuing vehicle registration, title, license plate, and driver’s license in Louisiana. The government requires only one license plate to be placed on the back of each vehicle. The state requires Louisiana license plate numbers to be patterned after the serial number of ‘123 ABC’.

What can a Louisiana license plate number tell you?
A Louisiana license plate number is useful for extracting vehicle information. Entering a plate number on a Louisiana plate lookup can reveal a lot of relevant data. The only possible exceptions are sensitive personal details, which are not publicized for the security and safety of owners.

Louisiana License Plate Lookup
Use the license plate number to access used vehicle data in Lousiana or other parts of the US

Where can I find the license plate number?
What you need to check first is the license plate itself. This is typically found at the vehicle’s rear end. Other than that, there are also vehicle documents, such as registration, title and insurance. They can be checked for authentic plate numbers. If in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles for confirmation.

What do I get out of a Louisiana license plate lookup?
Vehicle Specifications
what are the model, transmission type, speed, and other basic and performance-related details
Vehicle Records
are there any records of sale, lien, theft, salvage branding, and other issues
Market Value
what is the price range of similar vehicles in Louisiana and the rest of the country
Safety Ratings
how did the vehicle perform in Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) crash tests
Fuel Efficiency
how efficient is the vehicle based on the distance covered per gallon of fuel consumed
Warranty and Recalls
what is the warranty status including time remaining for coverage, is there an ongoing recall and what are the remedies available

What are the sources of license plate search results? collects a wide range of vehicle data. It can display info on any device in seconds. Vehicle data is acquired from multiple sources, mainly, the NMVTIS and DMVs. However, the system also receives info from secondary data providers, like inspection stations, police authorities, traffic agents, auto manufacturers, dealers, insurance providers, auction shops, repair shops and others.

Louisiana License Plate Lookup
To get a comprehensive vehicle history report, you can run a Louisiana License Plate Lookup
Louisiana License Plate FAQs
What is the difference between a Louisiana license plate lookup and a Louisiana VIN check?
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and license plate numbers are two important vehicle identifiers that interested buyers must keep in mind. They are used to disclose virtually almost every detail that a buyer must know about a product — the car. accepts both numbers as digital keys to vehicle info.
What are the types of license plates in Louisiana?
Besides the regular Louisiana plate type, vehicle owners can opt for optional plate designs at an extra cost. These are the Special Louisiana Plate Categories available for the meantime: (1) Military Veteran, (2) Retired Veteran, (3) Korean War Veteran | Desert Storm Veteran, (4) Vietnam Veteran, (5) Universities/Colleges, (6) Organization/Service, (7) Special Interest, (8) Louisiana High Schools (9) and Sorority/Fraternity.
Can I get a personalized license plate in Louisiana?
It is possible for vehicle owners to apply for a personalized license plate after registering their vehicles with the state. However, any suggested combination will be subject to approval. The combination should only be up to 6 characters (for handicap plate). For other four-wheeler plate designs, combinations can be 7 characters max. Periods and hyphens account for one character on the plate number. Two half spaces are equivalent to a digit. A personalized license plate number cannot have a patented logo, special symbols or offensive connotations.
How can I apply for a Louisiana license plate?
Generally, vehicle owners can receive a Louisiana license plate after a vehicle’s Louisiana registration has been approved. As with all applications, the vehicle owner must satisfy all registration requirements, such as the submission of important vehicle documents.
Important Links for Louisiana Car Owners and Drivers
Louisiana VIN Check
To get a comprehensive vehicle history report, you can also run a Louisiana VIN Check